Inframark’s Clinton, Miss., Wastewater Facility Wins “Plant of the Year” Award
Southside WWTP honored by MWEA for the third time since 2008.
Horsham, Pa., November 6, 2019 – Inframark, LLC, is pleased to announce that its Southside Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Clinton, Miss., has been named the Mississippi Water Environment Association’s (MWEA) “Plant of the Year” for the third time since 2008. The plant was given this honor based on outstanding contributions to the cause of water pollution through excellence in wastewater operations. The criteria for the award is:
• Compliance with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit conditions.
• Operational skills.
• General maintenance and equipment upkeep.
• Housekeeping and grounds maintenance.
• Training of personnel.
• Participation in promotion of operator training and certification.
• Safety and emergency response.
• Records and reports.
• Budget and resources management.
Inframark has been providing wastewater operations and maintenance to the City since 1994. The company serves nearly 20,000 residents and, in addition to the Southside WWTP, is responsible for the Briars, Lovett, and Northeast WWTPs, as well as 63 lift stations.
The plant is unique in that it is the first of its kind in the Magnolia State, joined by the City of Natchez’s WWTP, to convert the sludge in wastewater into biosolids. Large solar dryers are used to dry the sludge and convert it into biosolids that can be used in flower beds, yards, and for other agricultural needs. This treatment plan minimizes the amount of waste that would otherwise have to be paid for to be hauled away and disposed of.
“This is a great honor for the City and those responsible. Our community has gained another prestigious award that proves Clinton is a city prepared for its future and on top of its infrastructure,” said Clinton Mayor Phil Fisher. “Congratulations to our Public Works personnel and Inframark for their efforts to achieve and be the best.”
“This award is a recognition of the quality of service and partnership that exists between Inframark and the City,” said Ernie Williamson, Director of Area Operations for Inframark. “I am especially grateful for our dedicated employees that represent us and the community with absolute professionalism.”
For more information about the MWEA, please go to
About Inframark
Inframark, LLC (, is a standalone American infrastructure services company focused on operation and maintenance of water and wastewater systems, management of community infrastructure, and back-office services.
With more than 40 years of experience in managing water-related infrastructure, the company employs in excess of 1,500 people serving more than 300 clients in 19 states. Its North American operations manages facilities that can treat over a billion gallons of drinking water and wastewater daily. It also manages more than 8,000 miles of wastewater collection and water distribution networks. Its infrastructure management services group serves 220 clients with financial, administrative and specialized support services.